Children’s Ministry
One of the joys of a multi-generational church are our children.
We offer Sunday school for 2nd through 5th Sundays. On those Sundays, the kids start in worship and are dismissed for Sunday school after the children’s message. The first Sunday of each month are All ages and Communion Worship services, giving the children time to worship with their family.
Our Sunday school teacher has a gift for making the lessons fun and understandable, enhanced by crafts and games.
Your children are welcome to come and join in the fun of learning about Jesus and His teachings!
Youth Ministry
Here at Community Presbyterian Church we are thrilled to have our teens wrestle with life’s questions, express practical love, have fun, and build lifelong friendships. Faith needs to become one’s own and so our teens nurture authentic relationships with Christ through Youth Group on Wednesday nights, service projects, camps, outings, fun events, and mentoring.
Adult Ministry
Hands Helping Hearts Quilting Group>> Fridays, 11:30 a.m. Contact the church for more info.
Would you like to be added to our prayer chain? Contact Trudy.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is the embodiment of who Jesus is and what he does – God’s presence with us. When Jesus says, “I was hungry and you gave me food… a stranger and you welcomed me… naked and you gave me clothing, sick and you took care of me” (Matthew 25:35-36), he is describing pastoral care. James says it well, “Religion that is pure and holy before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress” (1:27).
Essentially, pastoral care is words and deeds shaped by love. That is what our Deacons (our primary pastoral care team) are called to do!
We love opportunities to engage in activities that strengthen our bonds of love and friendship with each other.
Our special Fellowship events include:
- Easter Breakfast – before worship on Easter
- PW Spring Tea
- Church Picnic – August
- Thanksgiving Potluck – Saturday before Thanksgiving
Presbyterian Women (PW)
Presbyterian Women >> this organization consists of a coordinating team and Naomi Circle. The Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team (PWCT) has eight women who are voted in on a 2 year rotating term with no term limits. These women operate in a 4 team system which consists of:
- a moderating team that moderates the PWCT meetings
- a recording team that records minutes of the PWCT meetings
- a finance team that keeps the financial record and pays out moneys on behalf of PW
- a receptions team that acts as a coordinator for wedding and funeral receptions.
PWCT also has several events they coordinate/host during the year. A Women’s Gathering really starts off the year as that is when the new officers are elected. The date of the tea varies depending on when Easter falls. In the fall PW does it’s fund raising event, and they provide lunch prior to the Congregational Annual Meeting. This is a no cost luncheon and is PW’s way of thanking the church for their support.
Safe Church Policy
We are committed to providing a safe church environment for everyone. Therefore, our church has adopted a Safe Church Policy. This policy regarding sexual misconduct has been written out of awareness that as a church we have been given a public and spiritual trust. We are committed to maintaining a safe environment, free of misconduct of any kind.
All of our elders, deacons and other leaders who work with children/youth are required to fill out an application/disclosure form, have a background check, accept the Safe Church Policy, and attend a training class.